Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Upside down

Frank the Tank likes to crawl on things that roll him over. I can't think of any other reason...

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Bath Time = Fart Time

I'm not sure how it happened, but Frank the Tank was dirty. Who'd a thought that living in the dirt would catch up to you? So, as a good Tortoise parent, we decided it was time for a bath.

And you know what happened? He farted. The water bubbled and he turned around to look at it. I swear he blamed it on the dog. We should have named him Eddie...

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Health Advice from Frank

Here's a little health advice from Frank the Tank:

1- Take long walks and notice the beauty around you.

2 - Eat your veggies and have a healthy diet with small doses of treats!  Frank like to eat dandelions and his treat meal is bananas.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

This is Frank looking at the wall.

That's all.

Oh, and I'm not a poet, though my feet show it, because they're long fellows.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Breakfast on a tray

I always tell Mike that one of the things I enjoy most at a hotel is having my food brought in on a tray.  The best part is, when you are done, you put the tray outside the door and in the morning it is magically gone.  I wish I could put the dishes outside my door after dinner.  Oh wait, I can, and the dogs will lick the dishes clean!  Frank also loves to have his food brought to him on a tray.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

No, No, No

Gene Simmons as a sociopathic genius doctor (not the medical type, the piled-higher-and-deeper type) seems like a movie that's based on me. But it's not. It's just another story about the hero, Tom Selleck, saving the world from killer robots. You know, the story of my life.

And since tortoises are basically just biological robots, it's only natural that Gene wrote the theme song of Frank's day two at the casa de Reagan.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


At about 9:30 AM, Mary went to the Utah DWR to adopt Frank the Tank. The Tortoise Lady said that they chose Frank especially for us because Mary had made such a beautiful habitat with so many delicious weeds and flowers.

Apparently, according to the Tortoise Lady, Frank is too young to know if he's a she or if she's a he. If he's a she, "Frank" is short for "Francine" and you can call her "Frankie" if you like. If she's a he, "Frank" is short for "Frank". Either way, he/she will be might upset if you get her/his name wrong and Frank will go for your throat.